Your energy is everything
We are not designed to be in the doing all the time. Our energy is limited and in order to show up as our highest self and give our all to what we want to achieve we need to acknowledge that sometimes we need to slow down and take some time out.
Since diving into Human design a couple of months ago it was a total eye opener to realise we are all energetically designed differently. Some of us have more energy than others and we need to live in alignment with our energetic type to live in ease and flow! If you would love to know more about this you can get you Human Design chart from (you just need your birth date, time and place to get an accurate reading).
I have been paying attention to the patterns in my energy and trying to be more aware of them and what my body needs to that when it comes to the weekend I am not collapsing in one big exhausted mess and I can actually get out and have some fun with my family. The other key element is enforcing stronger boundaries and saying no to things.
I hope you found this little chat useful and remember it is okay to rest, to be in the feminine and just be so you can have those creative downloads, to generate new ideas and to recharge those batteries. Its a marathon not a sprint!